Day 24.Feeling pumped

Tonight I was booked onto a Body Pump class. I was looking forward to it – lifting weights and getting some instruction. The class wasn’t until 7.30pm and by 6.30 I was talking myself out of going but I managed to cut out the lazy weakling voice in my head, get changed and get my ass to the gym. I was waiting around like the new kid at school when someone said ‘body pump’s been cancelled, it’s combat instead’. Now it’s not what I was expecting but I was so happy. The instructor was the same as Monday and she was great! Super motivating and such great energy. I was feeling so great when I left.

The other exciting thing that happened at the gym was that I got talking to a really nice lady and suggested we become gym buddies if she fancied someone to help keep the other motivated. Really hope she doesn’t think I’m a complete nutter and instead gets in touch!

Food-wise it’s been a pretty rubbish day; breakfast of a cinnamon thin bagel, lunch of the other half of yesterday’s beef sandwich, 2 kiwi fruit (apparently they’re great for your skin & a good source of fibre), and a banana mashed with a teaspoon of peanut butter. Not too bad. Then 2 biscuits. Oops. Dinner was a baked sweet potato filled with smoked mackerel with a dollop of mayo. And 2 more biscuits. Why????!! According to my Fitbit I’m 72 calories over. If only I’d not had that biscuit. Or 4.

Day 23.To carb or not to carb


Another day of hitting my Fitbit goals! Beginners Body Coach session this morning, followed by a peanut butter bar, walk at lunchtime and 1/2 an M&S beef and horseradish sandwich with a (very) small slice of lemon cake and a cup of tea. Was planning on doing another Body Combat class tonight but was running late so went for a 45 minute walk instead and had a fishfinger sandwich for tea. **Have to just tell you that my autocorrect changed ‘fishfinger’ to ‘fishmonger’ – so very glad I noticed that & changed it back again otherwise you’d be wondering what kind of blog this was!!!!

Tonight I’m pondering my swerve to carbs when I’m feeling tired, rushed, stressed or emotional. I’m not a ‘no carbs, no way’ kinda girl – you’ll have noticed that I expect. But I wonder if I can re-train myself to become less dependent upon them. Granted, all the great foods are carbaholic – chips (fries), pasta, mashed potato, cakes, bread, pastry.. my mouth is watering – but I’m looking at my body and wondering if, as the saying goes ‘abs are made in the kitchen’, I need to get a bit tougher with myself. After I’ve eaten the other half of that sandwich tomorrow, of course.

Any thoughts?




Day 22. Are those abs I see?

img_2945When I had a sneaky peak at the scales yesterday, despite having been pretty meh all weekend, it looked like I had put on again (boo). Today, I’m pleased to say, my faith in my efforts has been restored. Happy days. I know it’s not the speediest weightloss journey ever embarked upon but I’m happy – this feels sustainable and I’m beginning to feel a bit fitter.

Post-fast days vary; sometimes you’re utterly ravenous, others you can be totally fine. Today has been an eating day. I had a Warburtons cinnamon & raisin bagel thin for breakfast with a cup of tea (so good) but at lunchtime it was pouring with rain so not only did I not get out for a walk (I had an interview to conduct so didn’t want to do that whilst looking like a drowned rat), but after my lunch of veggies, small amount of brown rice & 2 Hecks chicken sausages I then topped it off with a slice of lemon cake. Oooops.

I really shouldn’t have been too concerned though as I was eating at OH’s house tonight with 2 of his offspring. Pasta with chicken followed by a big bowl of ice cream. Well it would’ve been rude to refuse… I did, however, go to the gym first! Amazing eh? Just the treadmill as I’ve not been to the branch near OH’s house before & felt a bit intimidated by the different set-up but still, it’s a start.

  • By the way, a big THANK YOU!! to all you lovely folk who have stopped by & liked or commented on my blog. It’s a massive honour that you think my ramblings are worth reading! Please feel free to offer advice, or the benefit of your experience, especially when it comes to going to the gym or exercising.


Day 21. Hi honey, I’m home.


Well that wasn’t pretty. I’ve been poorly pretty much all weekend but I’m finally feeling better.

This morning I kick-started the day with a beginners low-impact HIIT from The Body Coach, Joe Wicks. This time I managed to complete the whole workout! Yay! Then at lunchtime I went for a brisk walk before a 5:2 lunch of boiled chicken breast and stirred vegetables with a small portion of wholegrain rice.

I’ve just got back from the gym (I hear that sharp intake of breath!) where I did a Body Combat class. It was a-maze-ing! Really tough but such fun. Definitely want to take that class again. My gym has just changed from Virgin Active to Nuffield Health & I’m excited to try some of the Les Mills classes they’re going to be offering.

So on that high I went to the supermarket & stocked up with lots of great food. I promise not to eat it all tomorrow!! Is this the start of a new me?? We shall see…


Day 17. Pain in the…. head


So I’m now really fed up of this pain now. I’m struggling to focus at work & I know I can’t be much fun to be around.

I’ve opted to make today a fast day & managed pretty well. Just water & green tea then grilled chicken with lots of vegetables for lunch. Tea with soya milk in bed as we speak.

Exercise wise, I went for a long walk at lunchtime along the canal by work then OH & I had a walk this evening. We are really enjoying these evening walks – it’s a chance to chat about the day, our plans & goals plus we are getting fitter.

For now though, it’s time to sleep & hope I wake pain-free.

Day 16.It’s a wrap


Boring bit first. Migraine is still making life more difficult, but I spoke to someone today who has recently suffered a stroke so that kinda puts things in perspective.

I’m always ravenous when I take the migraine meds so once I’d arrived at work (don’t like to take meds before driving) I made a cup of tea & small slice of wholemeal toast to have with the painkillers. They don’t eliminate the pain but they do allow me to do my job (pretty much) til I can get home to sleep.

Lunch was an egg & spinach sandwich from the same small wholemeal loaf, followed by natural Greek yoghurt with blueberries & strawberries. I went for a short walk before eating, just along the canal. It’s great to see the wildlife changing – we have tiny frogs outside the office & I had to rescue a few.

OH, EC & EC’s friend were all round for dinner tonight so I made fajitas. So tasty! Made them with lots of veggies & used wholemeal instead of the usual white flour wraps, so hopefully that helps in the quest to eat more healthily. Sadly this was followed up with the chocolate choux bun that OH had bought us all! Told you he’s a saboteur!

We did, however, go for a long walk together. After the downpour this morning, it turned out to be a pretty nice day so it was lovely to get out into the fresh air & blow the cobwebs away.

Now though I need to rest my head so I’ll bid you goodnight x

Day 15.Ground to a halt


Ok, at least it’s not a gain, but I still can’t help feeling a bit disappointed, especially as I’m now walking at least 10,000 steps most days, whereas before this challenge I would often only take between 2 and 3,000. I know I need to focus on the fact that this is a journey to health & fitness as well as weight loss, and not get too bogged down with the numbers on the scales but I feel a tad fed up right now.

The migraine is back, too, which doesn’t help. Plus, I am so sore after the gym yesterday! I went out for a walk this evening to see if it would help, but now my legs are even worse! Think I will take a couple of painkillers with a cup of green tea and make it an early night.

Night night x

Day 14.Bagheera and Bear Crawls


Today has been a day of contrasts. I went to work as usual but finished at lunchtime to join EC for a matinee showing of The Jungle Book at our local independent cinema, where she’d booked a table. It felt so indulgent to walk out of the office at lunchtime and do something fun – kinda like bunking school.Although we had both seen the film before, it was a lovely way to spend the afternoon.

Following the film, it happened. It actually happened. I went to the gym. Finally. I’d asked EC to help me as I didn’t have a clue where to start – well that was a mistake! I wasn’t sure if I was going to throw up or just collapse. She had me doing bear crawls, burpees, frog squats and press ups. Now that might not sound too bad but trust me, it hurt. I finished the session with crunches and prone jackknives on an exercise ball and then took the sadist, I mean daughter, home.

After a green tea and an episode of The Killing, I went out for a walk with OH and am now tucked up in bed talking to you.

After feeling like a complete wimp and like the most unfit person on the planet, I decided that I have this all wrong. Ok, so it wasn’t a herculean effort, but it WAS an effort and I made a start; and that is what was needed.

Now all I need to do is go again…

Days 12 & 13.Should I stay or should I go


Yesterday was all about the Vitamin D. Sun was just too good to miss so I put some laundry on the go & mowed the lawn before hanging it out. Then I finished my book and soaked up some rays before heading to do the food shop. Tried to be sensible about what I want to eat this week so got spinach, broccoli, some microwave brown rice with quinoa, mozzarella and basil. I reckon that’s the making – along with the sweet potatoes, avocado & tomatoes I already had in – of a good food week. EC asked if I’d like to go for brunch today and I asked if we might hit the gym first (I know right!) – she works there as a barista so I know it’s not how she really wants to spend her free time, but I really haven’t a clue and could do with her help. She’s recently had a course of PT sessions so I’m hoping she can give me some pointers.

I’ve just heard movement from her bedroom so I’m going to see if today is the day. Update later!

Later… Lovely brunch in St Albans followed by an afternoon at a jazz festival in Cassiobury Park. Yes, I know there’s no mention of a trip to the gym but that doesn’t mean I didn’t work out. We opted to take our giant beanbag with us to lay on in the park, unfortunately parking spaces were few and far between so we ended parking quite a walk from the entrance. Even more unfortunately, the entrance we used was the one furthest from the bandstand. Walking along carrying the beanbag between us was cumbersome to say the least, so I decided to just haul the thing on my own. I carried it like the biggest sack of spuds you’ve ever seen – on it’s end it’s almost as tall as I am! Trust me, walking there & back with that thing was workout enough.


Will this be the week I get dragged to the gym??